One day just browsing the net as i normally do, to update myself with any new fashion trends.
I come across a really cool site where people just post pics of their outfits. Ive always been a bit reserved on putting myself on the net, but since i blog i thought why not. So this site, everyone just post outfits that they are wearing.
It is a great platform for people to share ideas and just appreciate individuals who have style. I posted some pics in this
site and i was actually getting some good responses.
Last week, i surprisingly received an email that i had won Style star of the week, not only that, i won £100 worth of Topshop vouchers...whoooop whoooop.
Joining this site was just by chane but look what came out of it. It may not be a big thing for some of you out there, but im proud of myself.
If theres anything you want to do, jus go for it!!!
The world is truly our oyster xxx